Does your management team have key areas of the system they are responsible for maintaining on a daily basis? The training team at DealerPeak has put together the list below to assist you in maintaining a clean and efficient CRM. If you have any questions or would like to schedule training around this checklist please reach out to our support team at or 833-456-8117.
Critical Action Bar
- Review "Customers Awaiting Response" and "Leads Without Response" in the Critical Action Bar on the left side of your home screen.
- Complete, ensure staff replies, or reassign to available staff.
AMO (Link now in Critical Action Bar)
- Load AMO under the Customer Tab, filter on "Yesterday" at the top of the screen, and review yesterday's lead opportunities.
- Correct any errors like wrong status or ensure notes for the visit are added so everyone knows where you stand with this customer.
- Leave this screen open and visit it throughout the day to manage appointments and store traffic.
Appointments with AMO
- Monitor AMO appointments and make sure all appointments are marked either Shown, Rescheduled, or No Show by the end of the day.
- Look for overdue appointments, customers who are coming in on vehicles already sold, or have a different customer coming in on the same car in the future.
YTD Lead Status
- Select either a grouping or specific status within the YTD Pod on your dashboard.
- Click on "No Future Activity" and run a search.
- Ensure all your active customers have a future action plan.
- If any customers are found, get with staff to do the same thing, but make sure they end up adding a task or changing the status appropriately for the customer who doesn't have a future action plan.
- Do this daily with Active and Future customer groupings.
Lead Status Queue Pod
- Clear the Lead Status Queue pod of all customers pending to be dropped or trashed.
- Review for approval or send back to the sales team to work the lead further.
- Repeat at least once more at the end of the day.
Service Appointment Pod
- Review incoming service appointments to see if any opportunities exist to flip a customer into a new vehicle.
- Tell salespeople to visit with their own customers in the service appointments, greet customers, and ask for referrals.
- Click on the appt date/time to see the details of the customer's appointment.
Activity Snapshot Pod and Report
- Use the Activity Snapshot so that today's numbers are reflected, and you can see your agents did complete their work.
- This work includes calls, emails, SMS/MMS, logging appointments, adding all leads, logging all trades, and logging all sales.
- This pod can be customized on a per-user basis to only show the data points you wish to see.
End of Day
- If these key areas of the CRM have been monitored and controlled throughout the day, the data should be clean for checkout.
Additional Notes:
- The document emphasizes maintaining a clean and efficient CRM.
- If you have any questions or would like to schedule training around this checklist, please reach out to DealerPeak's support team at or 833-456-8117.