Next Call logic:

  1. First get Customer who is currently locked for this Agent with no result (attempted in the last 30 minutes)

    • Agent clicked the "Next Call" link and opened the call screen for this customer

    • No result was recorded

    • Call incomplete

    • "Lock" lasts for 30 minutes

  2. Second get Customers who haven't been attempted

    • Customer has NOT yet appeared in the call screen when the "Next Call" link was clicked

  3. Lastly, get Customers who have been attempted (but not in the last 30 minutes)

    • Customer has appeared in the call screen when the "Next Call" link was clicked

    • A result has been recorded, but not a result that completes the call

    • This customer will only appear for the agent that originally opened the call screen with the customer

    • 30 minutes must elapse from the last time the call was attempted

If a customer is not returned or the customer returned is in the locked status (step 1), the "There are no more calls to make right now." will be displayed.