Before starting your campaign you will need to create a customer group(s). See: How to create a Customer Group
Note: You will want to create and name the groups you want to include as well as exclude from the campaign.

  1. Navigate to the "Marketing tab" and click the New Desired Campaign type.
  2. Now you will need to configure the campaign by:
    -Choose a campaign name
    -Select the campaign category
    -Select a start date
    -Select a Reporting End Date
    -Select the Include Groups (this will be the group you've created as your target audience)
    -Select any groups to exclude from the campaign

  3. Now you will configure the Call Campaign settings
    -Set a cost per call if there is one
    -Select a phone script (if you desire you agents to use a specific phone script)
    -Select the agents to be callers in the campaign
    Note: you will want to ensure all callers have the Call Campaign pod on their dashboard
    -Choose how the calls are distributed in the call campaign
    -Select the call results available and which result will qualify as a completed call
    -Select "Save Campaign"
    -If you choose the same day as the start date you will now click "Start" to run the campaign. If you chose a future date it will automatically be run on that date.