When adding a lead to the system, Dealerpeak will search the customer by the Name, Email address, and Phone numbers to find a match in the system.


When a match is found based on one of these criteria, a pop-up window will display the matching customer profiles that already exists in the system. From here, click "Manage" to view that customer's profile and verify if it is the customer you are working with

Once you click manage, you will review the customer profile and identify if that is the customer you are working with. If it is and the customer has a lead in an open, active status, you must go to a manager and ask to be added to the existing lead so you can work with the customer.

If not you will go back to adding your customer and use the “don’t use any of these” option. This is ONLY to be used once you verify the customer does not exist in the system already.

When a sales agent comes with a lead reassignement request you must review the lead and determine are you going to add them as a secondary agent (for a split deal this will still give them access to work the lead) or are you giving them the lead on the full deal and taking it away from the current primary agent (this will likely be the case for leads in a bucket’s name).